Get In Touch

Visit Us

Cesta Zelezarjev 8
SI-4270 Jesenice

Contact Us

+386 (0) 40 974 403 (SLO)
+386 (0) 70 683 008 (SLO & ENG)

Open Hours

M-Th: 8:30am – 4:30pm CET
F: 8:30am – 12:30pm CET
Sat-Sun: Closed

Business Inquiry
Please include country code
Legal Assistance
Please include country code
Secure and private communication

We would warmly welcome you to reach us on email address with complete privacy provided by world renown email provider ProtonMail based in Switzerland.

We additionally offer you to contact us through phone app Signal, available on Android, iOS, MacOS and Windows for messaging with privacy guaranteed.


Note: to ensure the encrypted email communication, please email us from your ProtonMail account or clearly communicate your desire for private communication to provide you with an encryption key


Frequently Asked Questions

Where can we find your office?

Our office is located on the following address:

Cesta Zelezarjev 8,
SI-4270 Jesenice,

Can we receive package of services rather than many individual?

Yes, you can receive a business bundle if desired and the order of numerous services will lead to discounted rate on your order.

What should one know before contacting us?

Given the complexity of the situation and the challenges, please formulate and clarify your needs and wishes as well as possible before contacting us.

In what languages do you provide the services?

The services are provided in Slovenian and English.

What is the best way of contacting you?

The best way to contact us by email or by submitting a relevant form provided. If desired, you can reach us by phone on the phone numbers provided above.

Do you work with firms from all countries and industries?

Yes, we provide services to firms from all industries and countries. The country of the firm plays no role in our attitude and service.

Is the first meeting paid?

No, the first meeting with us on clarifying the order and understanding the situation is free.

Do you offer any privacy oriented means of communication?

Yes, you are welcome to contact us on the email address or contact us through app Signal.


Contact us today!

Contact us today with the inquiry for the services you need or any general information. We are more than delighted to hear from you and establish a contact to learn more about you and how we fit in your business.

We are additionally offering you a communication through privacy oriented means of communication for privacy oriented clients.