Legal Statement

General terms and conditions determine and govern the use of website, its subpages and websites on its subdomains, owner of which is Vizaris, poslovne rešitve d.o.o. (hereinafter the “owner”)

Obligations and limitations of responsibilities

Services can only be used in accordance with a corresponding acting legislation. Distribution or circulation of its content which would violate the acting Slovenian legislation or the legislation of other countries is strictly forbidden. It is forbidden to distribute offensive, hostile or illegal content. The client assumes a full responsibility of any content provided on websites published by VIZARIS WEB DESIGN.

The client does not have the right nor the ownership over the hardware systems that allow the services to operate. Furthermore, it is illegal to share access information with the third parties.

Service provider is not responsible for the acts of the users through the website. Service provider assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information and the content presented on the website or the content provided to the recipients of the website services. Under no conditions are the service providers, its subcontractors or other providers, that provide the operations of the website, and its employees responsible for any financial losses incurred.

Management of the website

The website can be managed or maintained by the client through the CMS system (content management system), under the conditions that are determined by the general conditions of VIZARIS WEB DESIGN. Service provider assumes no responsibility for acts of the client on its website. Furthermore, the service provider assumes to responsibility for the loss of any information that resulted from the acts of the client.

The client has the right to technical support via telephone number +386 40 974 403 or via electronic mail (email) Technical support is offered during the business hours of the service provider.


The service provider does not guarantee that the services will operate uninterruptedly or without possible issues. Service provider does not offer any assurances that the client will achieve its desired results. The client complies with the service provider’s up-to-date services and, if possible, upgrade the system and resolve any possible hidden issues. The service provider will inform the client of any maintenance work in advance that will be take place during the hours of a reduced traffic. Due to maintenance, the services will be operating with disruptions or will temporary not be available.

Agreement termination

The agreement can be terminated by the client during any point of time after the expiration date of the selected plan, by sending an electronic mail (email) to or an official letter to VIZARIS d.o.o., Cesta Železarjev 8, SI-4270 Jesenice, Slovenia. Notice has to include your name, name of the company and the user name used to access the services. When the latter approach of termination is used, the client is not eligible for a refund of the already completed payments for the use of the services.

The service provider has the right to terminate the agreement or services at will at its own discretion without special reasoning, with or without a notice. Therefore the service provider has no responsibility against you or third parties, with the exception of the refunding of the payments for the future services, except when the service provider terminates the agreement due to the client’s violation of the contract, in which case the service provider is exempt from refunding the payments to the client.

Termination of the website

In the case of the termination of the contractual agreement between the service provider and the client, the website and the account will be deleted after a 30-day period. Deletion of the information includes the data that the client has been adding to the website (content).

Website can be temporarily suspended due to outstanding financial debt. Restarting the website is valued at 10% of the value of a contract.

With a written document from the client, the client has the right to ask for immediate deletion of the information following the termination of the contractual agreement.

Privacy and data protection

VIZARIS d.o.o., as the service provider for the creating of the websites VIZARIS WEB DESIGN, collects certain customer information for the sole purpose of ensuring higher quality services and communication with its customers, regarding the use of services or the support for the use of its services in addition to statistical collection.

The service provider collects, processes and stores the personal data in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The service provider does not share personal data of its customers or lists of customer’s clients with third parties, except with governmental institutions for the purposes of preventing crime and criminal acts when governmental institutions explicitly demand so.

The service provider stores all data on hardware and software protected systems.

Other provisions

Had the issue of enforcing this agreement arise, the provisions will be removed from the agreement with the intention of maintaining the agreement legally valid.

The service provider and the client acknowledge that this agreement represents a statement of a mutual understanding and of acceptance of conditions and thus abolishes other written or oral agreements.

For all other information and authorizations please contact:

VIZARIS, poslovne rešitve d.o.o., Cesta Zelezarjev 8, SI-4270 Jesenice, Slovenia

All legal disputes are under the jurisdiction of a court on Jesenice. Legal system and legislation of Republic of Slovenia apply for the use of and the translation of the described general conditions.

Get In Touch

Cesta zelezarjev 8
SI-4270, Jesenice